Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sylvia continues

The show, Sylvia, has now completed its 2nd weekend. Only two performances left, Friday and Saturday, the 16th and 17th of May.

We strike the set on the 18th at 8am.

Our next show is Evita, a blockbuster musical, which opens July 11th with a cast of about 30.

See the website at

Friday, April 4, 2008

Set Construction Begins

Opening night is May 2nd and today we begin the set construction process. Our group puts on shows at the local community center. The theater is very good, with state of the art sound and lighting systems, a fully automated fly system and about 300 comfortable seats, including a balcony. There's also a fully equipped scene shop.

Naturally the space is in great demand and we have to work around all the other shows going on there. There is no long-term storage available so we store our flats, some furniture, and props in a tiny old barn belonging to an old friend of one of the members.

The set of this show Sylvia, by AR Gurney, is simple, consisting of mostly flats. There'll be very little actual construction, mostly painting and rigging some flats for flying.

There is one big piece to be constructed. It represents a wall, a sort of hedge, and a balustrade. This will be done by building a 20-foot long prism-shaped box, 30 inches on each side. The idea is that the stage crew can turn the thing over to display one of three different sides, each painted to represent one of these scenes.